Anthony R. Candela

Anthony R. Candela is semi-retired from a professional career in the field of blindness and visual impairment, specializing in enhancing the employment success of blind persons and spanning more than 45 years. He is a recipient of the Steven Garff Marriott Award for lifetime achievement from the American Foundation for the Blind which honors a blind or visually impaired individual who has served as an extraordinary mentor or who has attained remarkable professional success. Candela is a “retired athlete” (wrestler and long-distance runner).
In addition to his two published books, a memoir, Stand Up or Sit Out: Memories and Musings of a Blind Wrestler, Runner, and All-around Regular Guy, and a science fiction novella, Vision Dreams: A Parable; Candela has also published short pieces in various organizational newsletters and magazines as well as professional articles in peer-reviewed journals including the Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness. He regularly posts his articles on Facebook.
Candela most recently worked as an Outreach Coordinator for Bookshare (adapted books for people with reading barriers) and on leadership development and employment projects with American Foundation for the Blind. He currently directs the Vision Specialist in Vocational Rehabilitation Program at the National Research and Training Center on Blindness and Low Vision at Mississippi State University.
Stand Up or Sit Out: Memories and Musings of a Blind Wrestler, Runner, and All-Around Regular Guy is a heart-touching story of the author’s life that will give the readers a reason to laugh and be sad as it will enlighten them about why things happen the way they do.
In [Vision Dreams], AnthonyCandela...shows us the extremes to which societies will go if sufficiently frightened, especially if science and technology permit it. Individuals will do likewise in order to achieve, if not happiness, then at least relief from tyranny.
In Vision will see the lengths to which people will go to achieve their humanity. In the midst of the subtle kinds of strife that leads many to live lives of quiet desperation, there are heroes willing to take risks.